E.C. Inc. Personal Information Protection Policy

E.C. Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") In providing services such as translation and interpretation, events and conventions, international conference management, website creation, and pamphlet creation, we are deeply aware of the importance of protecting your personal information, and believe that a sound relationship with customers is impossible without protecting personal information. In order to build even more relationships of trust with our customers, we hereby disclose our privacy policy.

We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than the following.

  1. To notify you by mail, telephone, e-mail, etc. in order to provide information on our services, etc.
  2. To provide information on the services handled by the Company or the holding of various events by mail, telephone, e-mail, etc.
  3. To conduct questionnaire surveys to develop new services or improve customer satisfaction
  4. Credit Judgment and Credit Management

We will not disclose or provide your personal information to other companies or third parties without justifiable reasons, except in the following cases.

  1. When the consent or consent of the person has been obtained in advance
  2. In the case of the method of Article 23, Paragraph 2 (opt-out) or Article 3, Paragraph <> (joint use) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
  3. When providing or disclosing in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations

Disclosure of Personal Information

If the customer wishes to confirm or correct the personal information of the customer, the Company will respond to the disclosure by submitting a document specified by the Company. For information on how to obtain documents specified by the Company, such as disclosure request forms, please contact the Company's Customer Service Office. If you wish to request disclosure, please prepare something that can confirm your identity (driver's license, etc.).

Handling of Personal Information

We will comply with Japan laws and regulations and other norms related to the handling of your personal information.

Leakage, tampering, or loss

We will take appropriate safety measures for your personal information to prevent risks such as leakage, falsification, and loss.

Continuous Improvement

The Company will regularly audit the handling of personal information and strive for continuous improvement.

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the following.

Address: 〒150-0031
SLACK SHIBUYA 31, 14-1101 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Company
name: EC Corporation
Representative Director: Shinichi Hisamatsu
TEL: 03-6459-3210
E-mail address:

Date of enactment: January 2008, 1
Revised: February 1, 2011 (change of representative)
Date of revision: April 2, 1 (company name change)
Date of revision: April 2013, 4 (company name change)