Guide for Presenters
Guide for Oral Presenters
Length of Talk
Oral presentations are 15 minutes long (including questions and answers).
A PC laptop computer, data projector, and screen will be provided in the oral session at Auditorium in Hokkaido University Conference Hall. The presenters should upload their presentations to the laptop in the room that they are presenting in at least 2 hours in advance of their presentation. Should you have any questions with regards to your presentation please email
Guide for Poster Presenters
Presenting a poster is a great way to visually share your research work and expertise with a wide range of delegates who are interested to learn about what you have done and give you feedback. The guidelines below give you some tips to help you design and develop your poster and how to display it for presentation at the Conference.
You are asked to follow the guidelines below when producing your poster for presentation.
Poster Location
Posters will be displayed in the main Hall in the Hokkaido University Conference Hall. All delegates will have access to the poster display.
Your poster number will be displayed on the board where you should hang your poster. Your poster number has been appeared on the website.
Poster Displays
An A0 Portrait display board with a display area of 0.84m x 1.19m will be provided for your poster display. Refer to the diagram to the right. Failure to follow this requirement will mean that the poster will not fit on the allotted board. Your board will have a poster number. Handouts may be used, but audiovisual equipment will not be available. ICPMF12 will provide push pins to adhere posters to boards. Please note: INCLUDE THE TITLE PROMINENTLY WITHIN YOUR POSTER. POSTER TITLE HEADERS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED.
Poster Format
- Posters should be clear and easy to read. The font size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read from 2-3 meters away. (Minimum of 18pt font size for text and larger for titles). Do not reduce the text size in order to fit more information onto one poster.
- Although your poster can expand on the information provided in your abstract, try to avoid overload – too much information or a cluttered appearance detracts from the overall impact. Less is more!
- The simple use of color can enhance a poster but avoid the temptation towards using too many colors that distract from the content.
- Consider the use of suitable photographs, images, tables, charts and graphs. Keep logos discrete and to a minimum.
- The poster background should be plain to ensure legibility
- Before sending to print do not forget to proof read the poster yourself, and ask someone else to do the same, checking also for clarity.
Poster Installation & Sessions
Please ensure that all the posters are in place by 09:00 on Wednesday 14 June. The odd-numbered and even-numbered posters are allocated to Poster sessions on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th, respectively, which takes place at the following times:
Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th June at:
• 10:00 – 10:30
• 15:00 – 15:30
You will be required to stand by your poster during your assigned session times to share the details of your research work with delegates and answer any questions. Please ensure that your poster should keep placing until the Poster session 5 on Friday 16th at 10:30-11:00.
All the posters should be removed by 13.00 on Friday 16th June. Should they not be removed by this time then, the Conference Organizer will take them down and unfortunately no responsibility can be taken for their safe return. After the Conference they will be removed and recycled.
General Information
A general information email for all delegates will be issued one week prior to the Conference. It will contain practical travel information and tips to help you to make the most out of your visit to Dublin. If you have any queries, please contact