Hokkaido University, Sapporo
March 06(Wed) -08(Fri), 2024

Keynote/Invited Presentations

Keynote Speakers

Professor António Gomes Correia
Professor António Gomes Correia
  • Emeritus Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering/ Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE)
  • University of Minho, Portugal

Experimental and computational model for determining shear modulus of geomaterials by bender element testing and prospects for field evaluation of the stiffness of granular layers

Professor Yeong-bin Yang
Professor Yeong-bin Yang
  • MOE Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area School of Civil Engineering
  • Chongqing University, China

Cancellation Conditions for Free Vibration of Damped Simple Beams under Successive Moving Loads

Professor Yu-Jun Cui
Professor Yu-Jun Cui
  • Laboratoire Navier/CERMES
  • Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
  • Marne La Vallée, France

Modelling the Permanent Deformation and Resilient Modulus of Coarse/Fine Grains Mixture with consideration of Suction Effect

Professor Xuecheng Bian
Professor Xuecheng Bian
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Zhejiang University, China

Train Loading Induced Permanent Deformation of Ballast Layer and its Reduction by Asphalt Trackbed

Professor Yoichi Watabe
Professor Yoichi Watabe
  • Division of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Hokkaido University, Japan

Soft Soils in Transportation Geotechnics

Professor Geert Degrande
Professor Geert Degrande
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • KU Leuven, Belgium

Prediction and mitigation of railway induced vibration in the built environment

Professor William Powrie
Professor William Powrie
  • School of Engineering
  • University of Southampton
  • Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ, UK

Validation Interpretation and Use of Railway Track Acceleration Data

Invited Speakers

Professor Xiaobin Chen
Professor Xiaobin Chen
  • Geotechnical Engineering Department
  • Central South University, China

Slaking Behavior and Nano Lotus Biomimicry Waterproof of Weathered Red Mud Rock (WRM) High-Speed Railway Embankment

Professor Takashi Matsumoto
Professor Takashi Matsumoto
  • Division of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Hokkaido University, Japan

Fatigue Analysis of RC Slabs and UHPFRC Applications for Strengthening

Professor Jiankun Liu
Professor Jiankun Liu
  • School of Civil Engineering
  • Sun Yat-Sen University, China

Warm Permafrost Dynamics and its All Season Cooling System

Professor Seong-Wan Park
Professor Seong-Wan Park
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Dankook University, Korea

Suction Stress and Mechanical Behavior of Subgrade Soils under Low Confining Pressure

Professor Guoqing Jing
Professor Guoqing Jing
  • School of Civil Engineering
  • Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Ballast Lateral Resistance-Development, Challenge, and Solutions

Professor Satoshi Nishimura
Professor Satoshi Nishimura
  • Division of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Hokkaido University, Japan

Cyclic Loading and Wave Propagation in Laboratory Soil Testing: A brief review of history and recent developments

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