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April 15, 2023

Shinichi Hisamatsu

President, CEO
E.C. Inc.


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EstablishedDecember 5, 2007
Capital10,000,000 yen
President, CEOShinichi Hisamatsu


We provide comprehensive management services for international conferences, including budget management, secretariat services, registration tasks, solicitation of papers, venue setup, program production, and management of international competitions from overseas.

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What's on in Simultaneous Interpreting

  • 2023.12.16
    Translation in United Nations Agencies (Part 4)

    Within United Nations agencies, dedicated translators and interpreters with specialized knowledge in translation work. They are expected to utilize their advanced language skills and expertise to provide accurate and appropriate translations. Translators have a deep understanding of the cultural backgrounds and specialized fields of languages, striving to convey the intentions and nuances of documents and speeches accurately.

    In summary, the role of translation in United Nations agencies is to facilitate communication and information sharing among participants using different languages, supporting cooperation and the decision-making process in the international community. Translation serves as a bridge in the international community, enabling inclusive dialogue and collaborative work, and contributing to sustainable development and the promotion of peace.
  • 2023.12.9
    Translation in United Nations Agencies (Part 3)

    Translation in United Nations agencies is an essential element that underpins international cooperation and the decision-making process. Through translation, participants with different languages and cultures can collaborate towards common goals, exchange opinions, and make informed decisions. Translation also promotes inclusivity and participation in the international community, as participants speaking different languages can express their views and understand the perspectives of others.

    Furthermore, translation in United Nations agencies contributes to the dissemination of information and improves access. Through translation, information regarding the UN's activities and decisions can reach people worldwide. This increases global interest and engagement, fostering efforts towards sustainable development and the promotion of peace.
  • 2023.12.2
    Translation in United Nations Agencies (Part 2)

    Translation of Documents: In the United Nations, documents such as the outcomes of meetings and negotiations, resolutions, and reports are translated into multiple languages. These translated documents are provided to member states and stakeholders as official UN documents, ensuring the sharing of information and transparency. Additionally, the UN website and publications are also translated into different languages, making them accessible to people worldwide.

    Prevention of Propaganda and Misinformation: Accuracy and impartiality are crucial in UN translations. Translators strive to prevent misunderstandings and biases in the translation process, ensuring fair communication. This helps prevent propaganda and misinformation, facilitating the transmission of reliable information among the international community.
  • 2023.11.25
    Translation in United Nations Agencies (Part 1)

    The role of translation in United Nations agencies is to facilitate communication and promote information sharing and mutual understanding among participants who use different languages. Below, I will explain the main aspects of the role of translation in United Nations agencies:

    Multilingual Communication: The United Nations operates in a multinational and multilingual environment, with six official languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. UN meetings and documents are translated into these official languages, enabling participants to communicate in their native languages.

    Conference and Negotiation Interpreting: In UN conferences and negotiations, interpreters provide simultaneous or consecutive interpretation, supporting participants in delivering speeches and statements in their respective languages. This facilitates smooth communication and enables all participants to engage in discussions and exchange of opinions.
  • 2023.11.18
    The Copyright of Interpreter's Voice (Part 2)

    Generally, the voice of an interpreter is considered their personal property, and their consent may be required for its use. However, in international organizations like the United Nations, recordings and broadcasts of meetings or events may take place to ensure transparency and accessibility of information for participants and member countries. In such cases, the use of the interpreter's voice may be controlled by the international organization or relevant stakeholders based on their contracts and regulations.

    Therefore, the rights and relationships regarding the copyright and use of the interpreter's voice can vary depending on the contracts and regulations between the interpreter and the involved organization or international institution. It is recommended to seek advice regarding the specific rights and handling of benefits based on the interpreter's affiliation with an organization and relevant rules.
  • 2023.11.11
    The Copyright of Interpreter's Voice (Part 1)

    The copyright regulations regarding the voice of interpreters may vary depending on the laws of each country or region. Generally, the voice of an interpreter can be considered as their creative work and may be subject to copyright protection. However, the specific rights and relationships are often determined by contracts and regulations between the interpreters and the involved organizations or international institutions.

    In international institutions and large-scale conferences, interpreters typically have contracts with specialized interpretation service providers. These contracts may include the rights and conditions for the use of the interpreters' voices. If the interpreter's voice is recorded or used through methods such as storage or broadcasting, the rights and distribution of compensation for such use are determined based on the terms of the contract between the interpreter and the service provider.
  • 2023.11.4
    The Role of Simultaneous Interpretation at the United Nations (Part 6)

    Correction Guidance: In the event of an error, the interpreter or the chairperson should make the necessary corrections. Typically, corrections involve rephrasing or explaining the interpretation to clarify any misunderstandings. This ensures that accurate information is conveyed to the participants and misunderstandings are resolved.

    Temporary Pause in Discussions: In case of a significant error, meetings or negotiations may be temporarily suspended. Discussions take place among participants and interpreters to address the mistake and measures are taken to ensure the provision of accurate information.

    Interpretation is a human activity, and it is impossible to completely avoid misunderstandings or errors. However, interpreters work with high professionalism and a sense of responsibility to strive for accurate information transmission. Even in the event of an error, swift and effective corrective measures are expected to be taken to ensure the accuracy and transparency of communication.
  • 2023.10.28
    The Role of Simultaneous Interpretation at the United Nations (Part 5)

    In the event of an interpretation error, the following procedures are typically followed:

    Communication Confirmation: If participants or other interpreters notice an error, they immediately bring it to the attention of the interpreter. When there is a misunderstanding or translation mistake, the interpreter is expected to make corrections on the spot.

    Intervention of Backup Interpreters: In United Nations meetings and negotiations, multiple interpreters usually work simultaneously. If an interpreter is alerted to an error, backup interpreters intervene and provide accurate translations. The backup interpreters take over the responsibility of correcting the mistake and ensure accurate interpretation.
  • 2023.10.21
    The Role of Simultaneous Interpretation at the United Nations (Part 4)

    At the United Nations, in addition to the six official languages of English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic, a variety of languages from different countries and regions are also used. Simultaneous interpreters are responsible for interpreting between these languages and support participants in achieving mutual understanding.

    Simultaneous interpreters possess extensive expertise and training, requiring not only language translation skills but also knowledge in specific fields or topics. For example, they are expected to have knowledge related to United Nations agendas such as international politics, law, environmental issues, and more.

    The role of simultaneous interpretation at the United Nations enables participants with diverse languages and cultures to effectively communicate and facilitates the smooth process of international cooperation and decision-making. Their contributions serve as bridges in the international community, enabling people from different countries and cultures to collaborate collectively.
  • 2023.10.14
    The Role of Simultaneous Interpretation at the United Nations (Part 3)

    Simultaneous interpreters are highly skilled professionals with advanced language proficiency and specialized knowledge. Through their efforts, United Nations meetings and negotiations serve as platforms where participants from different languages and cultures effectively collaborate, resolve issues, and achieve common goals. Simultaneous interpreters play a crucial role in facilitating the smooth progress of meetings and supporting communication among participants.

    Situated in dedicated booths, simultaneous interpreters translate the spoken words according to the languages used by the meeting participants. Leveraging their advanced language and auditory skills, they almost instantaneously comprehend the content spoken by the speaker and render it into another language. Utilizing their interpreting techniques, simultaneous interpreters ensure that the audience can accurately grasp the content of speeches or statements.
  • 2023.10.7
    The Role of Simultaneous Interpretation at the United Nations (Part 2)

    Understanding and Respecting Cultures: Simultaneous interpreters not only translate words but also play a role in understanding and conveying cultural nuances and backgrounds. With a keen awareness of linguistic and cultural differences, simultaneous interpreters facilitate smooth communication while respecting diverse cultural contexts. Their high level of expertise and skills enables effective cross-cultural understanding.

    Information Transmission and Ensuring Transparency: In United Nations meetings and negotiations, it is crucial that the information and opinions provided by participants are accurately conveyed. Simultaneous interpreters translate the spoken content in real-time, ensuring that it is conveyed in a comprehensible manner to all participants. This guarantees transparent and equitable sharing of information necessary for decision-making processes.
  • 2023.9.30
    The Role of Simultaneous Interpretation at the United Nations (Part 1)

    Simultaneous interpretation at the United Nations plays a vital role. We will explain these roles of simultaneous interpretation at the United Nations.

    Facilitating Communication: The United Nations is a forum where people representing diverse countries and cultures from around the world gather. In UN meetings and negotiations, various languages are used, and simultaneous interpretation is crucial to enable participants to speak in their mother tongues. Simultaneous interpreters remove language barriers, allowing participants to smoothly exchange opinions and information.

    Promoting Fair Participation: Simultaneous interpretation is also essential to create an environment where all countries and cultures can participate equally. By allowing participants to speak in their mother tongues, they can express their opinions more accurately and naturally. Through simultaneous interpretation, regardless of their language comprehension and abilities, all participants can engage in discussions and present their viewpoints.
  • 2023.9.23
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 11)

    Presentation and Performance: Simultaneous interpreters also require skills in presentation and performance. They maintain a professional image during conferences and events and have the ability to capture the audience's attention. Clear pronunciation and confident expression are also crucial elements.

    Information Transmission and Outreach Activities: Simultaneous interpreters are involved in transmitting information and conducting outreach activities related to United Nations activities and resolutions. They communicate the content of conferences and events in multiple languages, making United Nations activities more easily understandable for a wide audience. This helps disseminate the United Nations' message to many people and promotes awareness and cooperation.

    Teamwork and Collaboration: Simultaneous interpreters work as part of a team during United Nations conferences and events. They collaborate with other interpreters, technical staff, and organizers to ensure smooth interpretation implementation and the success of the event. Through teamwork and collaboration, they can provide high-quality interpretation services.

    Confidentiality and Privacy Preservation: Simultaneous interpreters are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information and personal data discussed during United Nations conferences and events. They take strict security measures to prevent information leakage and respect privacy. Maintaining confidentiality and privacy is considered an ethical responsibility of interpreters.

    These are detailed explanations of the role and position of simultaneous interpreters in the United Nations. Simultaneous interpreters possess advanced language skills as well as communication abilities, cultural sensitivity, and professionalism. Their presence is indispensable as a vital component supporting United Nations activities.
  • 2023.9.16
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 10)

    Understanding Specialized Fields: International conferences and events at the United Nations cover a wide range of specialized topics. Simultaneous interpreters need to possess knowledge in various fields and accurately translate specialized terms and concepts. They deepen their knowledge in diverse fields through prior preparation and continuous learning.

    Continual Professionalism: Simultaneous interpreters are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism. They act in accordance with strict ethical standards, ensuring neutrality and fairness in their interpretation. They uphold a professional attitude aligned with occupational ethics and approach their duties with a sense of responsibility.

    Training and Skill Enhancement: Simultaneous interpreters need to engage in ongoing training and skill enhancement. They strive for self-improvement through learning new translation techniques and tools, language research, and updating their expertise. They also enhance their skills through information sharing and feedback with colleagues.

    Cultural Education and Understanding: Working across different cultures, simultaneous interpreters recognize the importance of cultural education and understanding. They learn about different cultures and customs, communicating while respecting cultural differences. Furthermore, by deepening their understanding of United Nations activities and related issues, they provide more accurate interpretation.
  • 2023.9.9
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 9)

    Support for Participants: Simultaneous interpreters provide support to the delegates participating in conferences and events. By accurately conveying the speakers' intentions, they create an environment where participants can focus on speaking in their own language. Additionally, interpreters offer appropriate support to participants with special needs, such as those with hearing or visual impairments.

    Utilization of Language Resources: Simultaneous interpreters make use of abundant language resources during conferences and events. They utilize translation memories, terminology databases, dictionaries, and other tools to achieve consistent translations. They also strive to improve the quality of interpretation by referring to records and documents from previous meetings.

    Streamlining Interpretation: Simultaneous interpreters carry out translation work with high efficiency. They provide accurate interpretation within short timeframes due to the real-time nature of their task. Achieving efficient interpretation requires strong concentration, quick decision-making skills, and effective time management.
  • 2023.9.2
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 8)

    Translation and Cultural Bridge: Simultaneous interpreters play a role as cultural bridges in communication with people from different cultures and values. They not only understand the language but also grasp cultural nuances and customs, reflecting them in their interpretation to facilitate mutual understanding and empathy.

    Role in Security and Humanitarian Assistance: The United Nations also conducts conferences and negotiations on security and humanitarian assistance. Simultaneous interpreters play a crucial role in these fields as well. They accurately interpret specialized terms and concepts, aiming to achieve common understanding among stakeholders and enable effective communication.

    Realizing Language Equality: The United Nations respects diverse languages and emphasizes language equality. Simultaneous interpretation serves as a means to provide an environment where participants speaking different languages can participate equally. Simultaneous interpreters facilitate communication across different languages, overcoming language barriers, and promoting diversity and inclusivity.
  • 2023.8.26
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 7)

    Utilization of Technology and Tools: Advanced technology and interpretation support tools are employed in United Nations simultaneous interpretation. Speech recognition systems, interpretation memory, dedicated interpretation devices, and more are used to facilitate efficient interpretation work. Interpreters are expected to be proficient in these technologies and tools and utilize them appropriately.

    Communication and Cultural Awareness: Simultaneous interpreters play a crucial role in communication with participants from different cultures and backgrounds. They possess cultural awareness and strive to minimize misunderstandings and issues in intercultural communication. They also conduct themselves with politeness and respect to facilitate smooth communication with participants.

    Complementing Discussions and Negotiations: Simultaneous interpreters play an essential role in United Nations discussions and negotiations. By accurately conveying the speaker's intentions and emotions, they enhance understanding among participants and support the exchange of opinions and consensus-building. They can remain calm and composed even in tense or conflicting situations, thereby facilitating the progress of smooth discussions.
  • 2023.8.19
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 6)

    Teamwork and Collaboration: In United Nations simultaneous interpretation, multiple interpreters work together as a team. They take turns interpreting during meetings and share information while translating. Teamwork and collaboration are crucial for achieving smooth simultaneous interpretation.

    Document Creation and Reporting at the United Nations: Simultaneous interpreters are also involved in document creation and reporting at the United Nations. They accurately document meeting records and statements, ensuring the quality of documents provided in multiple languages. This enables the dissemination of United Nations activities and resolutions in various languages, accessible to stakeholders worldwide.

    Accuracy and Quality Control in Interpretation: Accuracy and quality control are essential elements in United Nations simultaneous interpretation. Simultaneous interpreters possess high levels of expertise and language skills to provide accurate interpretation. Quality control is maintained through continuous training and feedback for interpreters, ensuring consistency in specialized terminology and employing various measures.
  • 2023.8.12
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 5)

    Pressure and Expertise: United Nations conferences often take place in high-pressure environments, requiring simultaneous interpreters to work under pressure. They need to make real-time interpretations, requiring quick decisions and advanced language skills. Additionally, as the United Nations addresses a wide range of topics, it is crucial for interpreters to have expertise in various fields.

    Facilitating Dialogue: Simultaneous interpreters play a crucial role in removing language barriers and facilitating smooth dialogue among participants speaking different languages. By accurately understanding the speaker's intentions and conveying them to the audience, they promote effective communication. This allows participants with different cultures and backgrounds to exchange ideas and deepen mutual understanding.

    Cultural Sensitivity and Conveying Nuances: Simultaneous interpreters need to understand and convey not only language but also cultural nuances. The choice of words and expressions can change the meaning of a message. Interpreters consider the meaning and context in different cultures, enabling the accurate transmission of messages through translation.
  • 2023.8.5
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 4)

    Simultaneous Interpretation Booths: In the conference venues of the United Nations, simultaneous interpretation booths are set up, housing interpretation teams for each language. Interpreters enter the booths and provide interpretation in their language pairs, leveraging their expertise in their respective fields.

    Multilingual Meetings: The United Nations typically conducts multilingual meetings, where participants speak in their own languages, and other participants understand through simultaneous interpretation. Interpreters deliver translations in the respective language pairs, facilitating communication between participants.

    Recording and Documentation: Simultaneous interpreters also play a crucial role in recording and documenting the meetings. They accurately interpret the speeches during the conference, ensuring they can be referenced later. This allows the United Nations to provide documents and reports in multiple languages, enabling participants to access information.
  • 2023.7.29
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 3)

    The United Nations (UN) plays a crucial role as a forum for representatives from various countries to gather and discuss international issues and political agreements. Due to the participation of representatives who speak different languages, simultaneous interpretation is indispensable at the UN.

    Simultaneous interpretation at the UN operates in the following manner:
    Language Interpretation Teams: The UN uses a wide range of languages, but typically, six official languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian) are primarily used. Interpretation teams are formed for each official language, providing real-time interpretation of the statements made by participating representatives during meetings and events.
  • 2023.7.22
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 2)

    Simultaneous interpreters need to have a deep understanding of specialized knowledge and industry-specific terminology. They also must consider cultural differences between multiple languages and accurately convey the context and nuances of the situation.

    Simultaneous interpretation is a crucial means to overcome language barriers in international conferences and facilitate smooth communication among participants. The quality and accuracy of the translation significantly impact the outcomes of the conference and the satisfaction of the attendees. Therefore, it is essential to ensure appropriate placement of qualified simultaneous interpreters and the provision of high-quality interpretation equipment.
  • 2023.7.15
    International Conferences and Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 1)

    In international conferences, simultaneous interpretation plays a vital role. Simultaneous interpreters are responsible for translating the speaker's words in real-time into another language and conveying them to the audience. This enables participants who speak different languages to smoothly exchange ideas and share information.

    Simultaneous interpreters are typically highly trained professionals. They possess advanced language skills and cultural knowledge, and they are expected to provide accurate and prompt interpretation in real-time.

    During international conferences, dedicated interpretation booths are usually set up. Interpreters enter the booth, listen to the speaker's speech through a headset, and provide interpretation via a microphone. The audience uses headsets to listen to the interpreter's translation in the conference hall or separate rooms.
  • 2023.7.8
    Advantages of Whispered Interpretation (Part 2)

    Relaxation of location constraints: Whispered interpretation requires the interpreter to be near the speaker but does not have strict location or environmental constraints. Compared to other interpretation methods such as voice recorders or interpretation booths, it offers greater flexibility in usage.

    Cost reduction: Whispered interpretation is based on direct communication between the interpreter and the speaker. It reduces costs and preparations associated with other interpretation methods, such as setting up interpretation booths or using interpretation equipment.

    Flexibility and mobility: Whispered interpretation is suitable for one-on-one communication or small groups. It provides flexibility, particularly in situations with complex movement patterns or sudden needs for interpretation, allowing for quick and adaptable responses.

    By considering these advantages, utilizing whispered interpretation in appropriate situations enables effective communication and smooth information transfer.
  • 2023.7.1
    Advantages of Whispered Interpretation (Part 1)

    Privacy and confidentiality: Whispered interpretation allows the interpreter to convey specific information within a limited range by speaking in a low voice. This reduces concerns about other participants overhearing sensitive discussions, making it valuable in settings such as confidential meetings or negotiations.

    Real-time communication: Whispered interpretation enables real-time communication as the interpreter directly interprets at the speaker's ear. Speakers can maintain a natural pace of speech, and the interpreter can quickly relay the information.

    Please note that these are some of the main advantages of whispered interpretation.
  • 2023.6.24
    Drawbacks of Whispered Interpretation (Part 2)

    Fatigue and demand for concentration: Whispered interpretation requires intense concentration and endurance from the interpreter. They need to speak in a low voice for long periods of time while accurately listening to the speaker's remarks and translating them into another language. This accumulation of fatigue can potentially impact the quality and accuracy of the interpretation.

    Constraints on communication: Whispered interpretation, being a one-way interpretation, can limit real-time interaction with other participants. Direct communication and question-and-answer exchanges among participants can become challenging, leading to reduced efficiency in information transmission and understanding.

    Considering these drawbacks, it is important to use whispered interpretation appropriately. Depending on specific situations and requirements, it is also crucial to consider alternative interpretation methods or technologies.
  • 2023.6.17
    Drawbacks of Whispered Interpretation (Part 1)

    Here are some of the main drawbacks:

    Voice limitations: Whispered interpretation relies on the interpreter speaking in a low voice. However, in situations where the interpreter's voice is not audible enough or there is surrounding noise, it can be challenging to convey information accurately.

    Limited range: Whispered interpretation involves direct communication between the interpreter and the speaker, which means the interpreter's voice may be audible to other participants. This can create limitations, especially in situations where confidentiality is crucial or when communication with other participants is necessary.
  • 2023.6.10
    Whispered Interpretation (Part 2)

    Whispered interpretation requires direct communication between the interpreter and the speaker, which may limit communication with other participants. Additionally, there is a possibility that the interpreter's voice may be audible to other participants, so caution is necessary when dealing with highly confidential information.

    In recent years, advancements in technology have introduced portable interpretation devices (such as FM receivers) and speech recognition software for whispered interpretation. These tools can be utilized to enhance the efficiency of whispered interpretation, enabling more effective communication.

    Whispered interpretation heavily relies on the skills and experience of the interpreter. They must possess strong language proficiency and communication skills to convey information accurately and swiftly.
  • 2023.6.3
    Whispered Interpretation (Part 1)

    Whispered interpretation is a type of interpretation where the interpreter whispers the translation to the listener. In this method, the interpreter approaches the speaker closely and whispers the interpretation in a low voice. Whispered interpretation is typically used in one-on-one communication or small group settings.

    Whispered interpretation is useful in specific situations. For example, it may be used when certain participants in a meeting or negotiation speak a different language from the others. The interpreter conveys the interpretation by whispering into the listener's ear to ensure confidentiality and clear communication.
  • 2023.5.27
    Detailed Elements and Roles of Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment (Part 3)

    Interpreting Booth:
    The interpreting booth is where the interpreters work. The booth is soundproof, minimizing external noise and voices.
    The booths are typically designed for two or three people, with the size and facilities adjusted to ensure comfortable working conditions for the interpreters. Inside the booth, there are desks, microphones, headsets, lighting, and, if necessary, monitors for the interpreters.
    The booth is specifically designed with high soundproofing, using thick walls and doors to prevent external sounds from leaking inside. This allows the interpreters to minimize external interference and concentrate on their work.

    Central Control Unit:
    The central control unit is included to control the entire simultaneous interpretation system. It incorporates functions such as audio mixing and distribution, language channel management, and power supply. Typically, dedicated control staff operate this unit.
    Simultaneous interpretation equipment is designed to support high-quality audio transmission and effective communication. It plays a crucial role in facilitating smooth communication between speakers and participants of various languages and is widely used in international events and conferences.
  • 2023.5.20
    Detailed Elements and Roles of Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment (Part 2)

    Receiver System:
    The receiver system includes receivers that allow participants to listen to the interpreted audio. Typically, individual receivers are distributed to each participant, and they are connected to earphones or headsets. The receivers are expected to reproduce the interpreted audio clearly and accurately. They may also have features such as volume control and language channel switching.

    Transmitter System:
    The transmitter system includes transmitters that allow interpreters to transmit their translated audio. Typically, they are connected to the interpreter's headset and transmit the audio to the receivers. The transmitters are designed to transmit the interpreter's voice clearly, minimizing delay and noise.
  • 2023.5.13
    Detailed Elements and Roles of Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment (Part 1)

    Microphone System:
    The microphone system includes microphones that capture the voices of speakers and participants. Wireless microphones are commonly used, and multiple microphones may be installed. It is important for the microphones to capture the audio clearly while minimizing noise and external interference.

    Headset System:
    The headset system includes headsets used by interpreters. Interpreters listen to the speaker's voice and simultaneously perform the translation. The headsets provide high-quality audio playback and are designed to ensure the comfort of interpreters during their work. They may also have noise-canceling features.
  • 2023.5.6
    Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment

    Simultaneous interpretation equipment refers to the devices used to facilitate smooth multilingual communication. It is commonly used in international conferences and events. Typically, simultaneous interpretation equipment consists of the following elements:

    ・Microphones: Microphones are needed to capture the voices of speakers and participants. Each speaker is usually equipped with an individual microphone.

    ・Headsets: Headsets are used by interpreters. Interpreters listen to the speaker's voice while simultaneously performing the translation.

    ・Receivers: Participants use receivers to listen to the interpreted audio. Typically, individual earphones or headsets are connected to the receivers.

    ・Transmitters: Transmitters are required for interpreters to transmit the translated audio. They are usually connected to the interpreters' headsets and send the audio to the receivers.

    ・Booths: Booths are necessary for interpreters to work in. Interpreters are placed in soundproof booths to perform their tasks without external noise interference.

    Simultaneous interpretation equipment plays a crucial role in achieving effective simultaneous interpretation, ensuring clear audio transmission, and providing a conducive working environment for interpreters.
  • 2023.4.29
    The Skills of Simultaneous Interpreters (Part 3)

    Simultaneous interpreters need to continuously train and hone their skills through practice. It is essential for them to develop the ability to handle complex content and situations while maintaining advanced language skills and professionalism. Furthermore, simultaneous interpreters may be required to possess knowledge in specific fields. For instance, in conferences or events related to fields such as medicine or law, they need to understand and accurately convey specialized terminology and concepts. It is desirable for simultaneous interpreters to engage in self-learning and information gathering to deepen their knowledge in each field. Simultaneous interpretation requires highly advanced skills, and professional training and certification are common for interpreters. Many interpreters obtain degrees or undergo training in linguistics or interpretation at universities or specialized institutions. Additionally, various organizations and associations offer qualifications and certifications for simultaneous interpreters at national and international levels. Skilled simultaneous interpreters with comprehensive abilities and experience play vital roles as facilitators of complex communication in international conferences, negotiations, and events.
  • 2023.4.22
    The Skills of Simultaneous Interpreters (Part 2)

    Memory: Simultaneous interpreters need to temporarily store the information spoken by the speaker and interpret it into another language. They require the ability to process a large amount of information at once and hold it in short-term memory. Techniques and strategies for memorizing long speeches or specialized content are also crucial.

    Real-time Processing Skills: Simultaneous interpreters must interpret the speaker's remarks instantaneously. They need to react quickly without delay and provide accurate translations, necessitating strong real-time processing skills. Additionally, they must smoothly switch between listening to the next speech and conveying the previous interpretation.

    Stress Resistance: Simultaneous interpreting often takes place under high-pressure circumstances. The work involves prolonged concentration, rapid language processing, and meeting the expectations of the audience, among other stress-inducing factors. The ability to work in stressful situations while maintaining composure and focus is essential for delivering high-quality interpretation.
  • 2023.4.15
    The Skills of Simultaneous Interpreters (Part 1)

    Simultaneous interpreters are required to have advanced language skills and communication abilities. Here are the main skills of simultaneous interpreters:

    Language Skills: Simultaneous interpreters need to be proficient in at least two or more languages. They must be able to quickly and accurately understand the speaker's remarks and translate them into another language. They require broad language knowledge, including grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and specialized terminology.

    Listening Skills: Simultaneous interpreters must be able to listen to the speaker's remarks rapidly and accurately. It is crucial for them to understand the nuances and accents of the spoken language and grasp the content without missing any details. They need to possess concentration and sharp listening abilities.
  • 2023.4.8
    Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 2)

    Simultaneous interpretation requires advanced language skills and specialized knowledge, so interpreters need to be proficient in multiple languages. They also need high levels of concentration and stress tolerance due to the requirement for quick reactions and accurate translations. In recent years, technological advancements have allowed for the combination of simultaneous interpretation with machine translation and speech recognition technologies. However, the role of human interpreters is still highly valued and essential.
  • 2023.4.1
    Simultaneous Interpretation (Part 1)

    Simultaneous interpretation is a technique used for language interpretation. It involves the interpreter listening to the speaker while simultaneously translating the content into another language and conveying it to the audience.

    Simultaneous interpretation is widely used in international conferences and events. Interpreters utilize simultaneous interpretation equipment (available for rental) and work from interpretation booths that meet the standards of organizations like the United Nations. They listen to the speakers' statements in real-time and provide immediate interpretation in their respective languages. The interpreted content is then transmitted to the audience through receivers via the simultaneous interpretation equipment.


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